30% arabica – 70% robusta
It is the Neapolitan blend “par excellence” with a strong character and rich body
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
30% arabica – 70% robusta
It is the Neapolitan blend “par excellence” with a strong character and rich body
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
It’s the coffee for those who like a strong espresso, a burst, a pleasant “shock” of energy that is transferred from the palate to the whole body, sending a unique feeling of strength and vitality. The amount of cream that is released during the supply, also due to a finer and wise grind, is truly remarkable and its persistence in the cup is incomparable. A rich and persistent aroma due to the high concentration of perfumes of a strong coffee. Satisfies the palate, combining the bitter sensations to an idea of chocolate.

70% arabica – 30% robusta
It is the typical Italian espresso: strong and full-bodied.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
70% arabica – 30% robusta
It is the typical Italian espresso: strong and full-bodied.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
It‘s our “Arabica”, composed of origins from Central America grown at high altitudes, not very acidic, fragrant, medium-bodied and expertly mixed with a note of robust, of Indonesian origin, makes a balanced and aromatic coffee. Characterized by a round body, devoid of tastes in excess or defect, it is soft, refined, with a slightly acidic and persistent aftertaste. The aromas it spreads are intense and decisive: getting passionate about the scent released at the opening of the package will be your daily ritual.

Dolce Aroma
50% arabica – 50% robusta
With its great sweetness it is the ideal coffee for a ristretto espresso, but not too strong.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
50% arabica – 50% robusta
With its great sweetness it is the ideal coffee for a ristretto espresso, but not too strong.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: cup 25cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
The perfect coffee at any time of your day, providing you a pleasure that will accompany you infusing sweetness and good humor. It is a natural sweetness, combined with other positive feelings, the result of a crop of ripe beans, roasted and ground to the midpoint so wisely. Has a delicate flavor, not aggressive. It will convince you that the sweetness is among the best ingredients for life. The cream is very light, the dominant flavor of citrus brings out the fine and unmistakable aroma, the sensations in the aftertaste characterize this great mixture and gently mean that it is the most loved coffee by the ladies

Cuore Decaffeinato
50% arabica – 50% robusta
Charm and taste of coffee, without caffeine! Don’t deprive yourself of your daily pleasure!
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for decaffeinated espresso
Consuption: cup 30cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
50% arabica – 50% robusta
Charm and taste of coffee, without caffeine! Don’t deprive yourself of your daily pleasure!
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for decaffeinated espresso
Consuption: cup 30cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
The choice of varieties particularly poor of caffeine that our blend “Cuore” makes up, allows us to create an excellent product for those looking for pleasing aromas and flavors of coffee but do not want to feel the effects of caffeine. It is characterized by an intense flavor that offers the right balance between body and sweetness and it is so good for those who cannot give up espresso, also for reasons of heart!

80% arabica – 20% robusta
Coffee toasted with chocolate, very delicious and intense aftertaste, for moments of real pleasure.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso, chocolate enriched with natural chocolate extract
Consuption: cup 30cc – large cup for cappuccino chocolate 30cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Unità di vendita: scatola da 50 capsule
80% arabica – 20% robusta
Coffee toasted with chocolate, very delicious and intense aftertaste, for moments of real pleasure.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso, chocolate enriched with natural chocolate extract
Consuption: cup 30cc – large cup for cappuccino chocolate 30cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
It is a blend made up of selected Arabica and Robusta to which is added natural cocoa during the toasting phase.Coffee and chocolate: the perfect couple for your feelings.

Alto Cafè
50% arabica – 50% robusta
It is our “long coffee”, which is obtained thanks to a peculiar attention during the grinding, it offers a long lasting coffee break experience.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
50% arabica – 50% robusta
It is our “long coffee”, which is obtained thanks to a peculiar attention during the grinding, it offers a long lasting coffee break experience.
Product: mixture of roasted and ground coffee for espresso
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 100 capsules
Un caffè fuori dai soliti schemi, pensato soprattutto per paesi dove il caffè viene gustato in tazza grande, ma apprezzato anche in Italia per la crema che riesce a mantenere. Non un caffè all’americana ma semplicemente un lungo espresso.

Hazelnut beverage
Perfect drink for your little breaks wrapped in the persistence of hazelnut.
Product: soluble compound for a sweet hazelnut drink
Consumption: 80cc cup
Sales Unit: box of 50 capsules
Hazelnut beverage
Perfect drink for your little breaks wrapped in the persistence of hazelnut.
Product: soluble compound for a sweet hazelnut drink
Consumption: 80cc cup
Sales Unit: box of 50 capsules
Round and creamy drink to be enjoyed alone or combined with your glass of milk, making it more delicious than ever; the notes of hazelnut accompanied by those of persimmon create a perfect symphony for your palate.

Voglia di te
Istant lemon tea
Tasty lemon tea with an intense and lasting aroma.
Product : soluble preparation of sweet tea with lemon flavor
Consumption: mug 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Istant lemon tea
Tasty lemon tea with an intense and lasting aroma.
Product : soluble preparation of sweet tea with lemon flavor
Consumption: mug 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Camellia sinensis, the plant of our tea native to South China, is known for its therapeutic properties since ancient times. Besides being in fact a very pleasant drink, it is also a medicinal plant of great interest used since millennia as stimulant, diuretic and intestinal astringent. Vogliadite, the full flavor and fragrant released by lemon juice dehydrated, frees your desire for tea, for sweet moments of absolute relaxation. In summer, prepared and refrigerated, it becomes your favorite iced tea.

Fior di spiga
Istant organic barley coffee
It is our alternative to coffee: creamy, full-bodied and tasty
Product: 100 % soluble Italian barley from organic farming
Consumption: cup 80cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Istant organic barley coffee
It is our alternative to coffee: creamy, full-bodied and tasty
Product: 100 % soluble Italian barley from organic farming
Consumption: cup 80cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Made up with natural organic Italian barley, it is rich of healing properties: anti- inflammatory, bone’s revitalizing. It helps brain activity because of magnesium and potassium inside. It is a valid alternative for those who cannot assume caffeine.

Cafe Gin
Coffee and ginseng
To find the right energy and overcome stressful moments.
Product: instant coffee enriched with ginseng extract
Consumption: cup 60cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Coffee and ginseng
To find the right energy and overcome stressful moments.
Product: instant coffee enriched with ginseng extract
Consumption: cup 60cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
It reduces stress and neurosis and it enhances physical and mental performances. CafeGin will give you moments of real break.

Cocoa beverage
It is our chocolate…let us say mini-chocolate. Ideal for your little breaks.
Product : compound soluble to taste sweet chocolate milk
Consumption: cup 80cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Cocoa beverage
It is our chocolate…let us say mini-chocolate. Ideal for your little breaks.
Product : compound soluble to taste sweet chocolate milk
Consumption: cup 80cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Little quantity for a great experience. “Cioccolino”, alone or combined with milk could become your daily ritual during your busy winter days!

Latte Bianco
Skimmed milk
Ideal to prepare your Cappuccino or your hot chocolate.
Product: 100 % granular skimmed milk powder
Consumption: mug 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Skimmed milk
Ideal to prepare your Cappuccino or your hot chocolate.
Product: 100 % granular skimmed milk powder
Consumption: mug 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
It is the perfect way for your favourite “Macchiato” that you can have directly into your office.

Black tea leaves
Ideal for breakfast.
Product: english breakfast tea. 100% black tea leaves from India and Sri Lanka
Consumption: large cup 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Black tea leaves
Ideal for breakfast.
Product: english breakfast tea. 100% black tea leaves from India and Sri Lanka
Consumption: large cup 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Black tea has countless properties. It can help to maintain a good overall body health, it has beneficial circulatory effects and it is rich in flavonoids, known as good antioxidants. Due to its high content of theine, compared to other tea varieties, it improves concentration and it stimulates brain. Perfect for breakfast, with a strong and full flavor, our tea blend comes from an accurate selection of organic tea. Enjoy it with the addition of lemon and sugar or honey, or with milk …in full respect of the English tradition.

Foglia di te
Green tea
Ideal for a natural infusion with antioxidant power.
Product: 100 % leaves of Sencha green tea flavored with lemon
Consumption: mug 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Green tea
Ideal for a natural infusion with antioxidant power.
Product: 100 % leaves of Sencha green tea flavored with lemon
Consumption: mug 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
100% infusion of green tea, with benefic properties: it positively influences the metabolism, and being antioxidant, it helps to reduce cholesterol.

Fior di Bosco
Soft fruits infusion
A beneficial and pleasant infusion, rich in polyphenols, natural defense molecules against free radicals.
Product: Combined fruits and leaves for an infusion rich in antioxidants.
Consuption: large cup 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Soft fruits infusion
A beneficial and pleasant infusion, rich in polyphenols, natural defense molecules against free radicals.
Product: Combined fruits and leaves for an infusion rich in antioxidants.
Consuption: large cup 120cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
A great mixture of red and wild fruits for a beneficial drink rich in taste and color, all of them are natural! At the opening of the package you will appreciate the intense scents of elder and hibiscus, while the great extract is the aroma of raspberry, currant and blueberry, released from the drink. The astringent taste of strawberry and wild apple spreads in the palate.

Fior di Fiore
Digestive herbal tea in leaves
Our herbal infusion aids in natural digestion with fennel, anise, peppermint and liquorice .
Product: mix of herb digestion coadjuvant
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Digestive herbal tea in leaves
Our herbal infusion aids in natural digestion with fennel, anise, peppermint and liquorice .
Product: mix of herb digestion coadjuvant
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
When we think we have exaggerated a bit at the table, it can be perfect: you will feel the beneficial effects given by fennel seeds, mint principles, licorice and star anise that help digestion and counteract the formation of gas by attenuating abdominal tension and the sense of swelling. From the opening of the package, you can feel intense smells. The smell of fennel prevails but immediately after you will feel peppermint and licorice too. A good herbal tea, tasty and beneficial.

Fior di Sogno
Chamomile infusion
The finest camomile pollen heads and cardamom for a sleep aids infusion.
Product: camomile flowers and cardamom in a sleeps aid tisane.
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
Chamomile infusion
The finest camomile pollen heads and cardamom for a sleep aids infusion.
Product: camomile flowers and cardamom in a sleeps aid tisane.
Consuption: large cup 100cc
Sales unit: box of 50 capsules
The beneficial effects of this infusion are really extraordinary as it has no active ingredients hypno-inducers (sedatives) but on the contrary antispasmodic properties that help muscle relaxation; anti-inflammatory properties that make it excellent soothing remedy, decongestant and calming remedy. The mixture with the safflower flowers completes this drink enriching it with vitamin C and K, useful for cardiovascular disorders and polyunsaturated fats, useful in keeping cholesterol levels under control.
“Respect the Earth! It is not an inheritance of our fathers but a loan of our children”
Old Masai saying, Kenia
Antico detto Masai, Kenia
100% compostable! “Terraria” is the new Caffè d’Italia capsule good for the environment and with the same high quality. Ethics because made of vegetable materials not subtracted from food use. Its disposal in organic waste makes it unique by nature. Caffè d’Italia always makes the difference … read more→